
AKA's court case reveals shocking details

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Accused linked to the murders of Kiernan AKA Forbes and Tebello Motsoane Tibz's appeared in the Durban Magistrates Court.  Photo by Mbali Dlungwana
Accused linked to the murders of Kiernan AKA Forbes and Tebello Motsoane Tibz's appeared in the Durban Magistrates Court. Photo by Mbali Dlungwana

ACCUSED four revealed in court that he received R800 000 on the day rapper Kiernan "AKA" Forbes and Tebello Motsoane, better known as Tibz, were killed.

The 36-year-old Durban businessman, Themba Gwabeni, said he then transferred R133 000 to Lindokuhle Ndimande, the fifth accused.

This was read from his affidavit by his lawyer, Advocate Joe Wolmarans, in the Durban Magistrates Court on Tuesday, 19 March.

The five suspects Lindokuhle Mkhwanazi (30), Lindelani Ndimande (30), Siyanda Myeza (22), Mziwethemba Gwabeni (36) and Lindokuhle Ndimande (29), who are linked to the murders of Kiernan AKA Forbes and Tebello Motsoane Tibz, appeared in the Durban Magistrates Court on Tuesday, for a hearing on applications for bail.

They're facing charges of murder, attempted murder, illegal possession of a firearm and ammunition and money laundering.

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Gwabeni's affidavit, which was read out by Advocate Wolmarans, further states that the R803 000 was paid to Gwabeni by a reputable company that he has done business with before.

Wolmarans said the business relationship between Gwabeni and the company that paid him the money dated back three years.

"In view of the above records, the investigation will show that it was not a one-off payment as alleged.

"Gwabeni is asking the state to see his bank statements," said Advocate Wolmarans.

The affidavit also shows that the state is once again relying on coincidences when it claims that he received R800 000 on the day of the murder of AKA and Tibz and transferred R133 000 to Lindokuhle Ndimande.

"The state case is based on circumstantial evidence to support the allegations that led to the arrest," he said.

In the affidavit, Gwabeni also revealed that the police, mostly from the NIU raided his home in Cowies Hill on 27 February to arrest him, but he was not at home as he had attended a meeting in Ladysmith.

The cops allegedly found his wife and allegedly assaulted her. A case of assault has been opened. Gwabeni intends to plead not guilty during the trial.

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Fifth accused Lindokuhle Ndimande has also applied for bail through his representative, Advocate Mlotshwa.

Ndimande is also self-employed and owns shares in a poultry farm.

 He also owns a taxi under the Malikazi Taxi Association.

In his affidavit, Ndimande stated that at the time of his arrest, he had already made arrangements with the girlfriend’s family that a lobola delegation would meet her family over the Easter weekend to pay R25 000 in cash cows and 11 live cows.

All bail applications have already been made.

Magistrates Vincent Hlatshwayo adjourned the matter to 27 March to allow the state to respond to the applications.

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