
Sandile can’t wait to hit TV screens

Sandile Dladla has scored his debut onscreen acting gig on’s Durban Gen.
Sandile Dladla has scored his debut onscreen acting gig on’s Durban Gen.

Sandile Dladla has been acting in theatre for almost five years and is ready to show his talent on our TV screens for the first time.

Sandile from Clermont, west of Durban, has scored a role on’s medical drama Durban Gen and has already started shooting.

Although he couldn’t say anything about his new role, he told SunBuzz he’ll make his debut when season two of the show starts at the beginning of October.

The 21-year-old actor, who’s in his third year of his diploma in drama and performing art at Durban University of Technology, said he felt blessed to get his big break at such a young age.

He told SunBuzz he couldn’t wait for Mzansi to see his talent.

“I love both theatre and onscreen acting but if I had to choose, I would choose theatre.

“I see myself acting and growing to write for both theatre plays and TV,” he said. “I will do them both to take my acting career to another level.”


He said since he started shooting for Durban Gen, he has learnt there is a big difference between theatre and onscreen acting. “On screen acting is so easy because it is pre-recorded and there is no live audience.

“If you do something wrong, you have another chance to start again.

“Acting is more difficult on stage because there is a live audience and there is no cut. If you do something wrong, there is no place to hide or stop the production. So, the audience watches you doing wrong things,” he said.

Sandile said he was taking Durban Gen as a learning curve.

“I will make sure I use every opportunity to learn more about TV acting to add on to my experience.”

Sandile has been in various plays including DUT Courtyard Theatre’s Romeo and Juliet in Zulu. He also starred in a play he wrote this year titled Tau and Neo, dedicated to his late brother, alongside his best friend Philani Mbuyisa.

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